Just Found Out Sameria Is Ruled By A Queen

I’m having flashbacks to crystal ironleg for some odd reason

Yeah! I’m EXCITED to see the QUEEN of SAMERIA! Particularly because not only is she a WOMAN but since Calvus and to a very small extent Revon were trained to fight, I REALLY want to see the QUEEN’S style of FIGHTING, assuming the royalty of each Kingdom are all loaded with POWER.

What? You don’t want to see peak design of the Monarch of a Kingdom having the finest equipment, gear, and skills in comparison to their basic infantry? Hell, she might even be a Curse User as well, you never know!
All hail the Queen! (If she’s an ally, that is.)

this is Arcane Odyssey we are talking about, what do you think?

agreed :smirk:

you aint becoming the king cuh, the queenussy will not be yours

Incoming Pharaoh’s Curse

Given the fact that Sameria and Jotunheim are planning to go to war, you’ll most likely be forced into picking a side

Ramses II’s curse

Average male mammal when it hears about a member of it’s kind that happens to be of the opposite gender;

I’d think of something witty to say, but this post just doesn’t deserve it. Go heck yourself.

Never say the word “queenussy” again.

“Queen of Sameria” = Another victim of Regicide

Let the simp Art begin

why cant you people be normal

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This server has done nothing but bring me down as a person. everyday i come in here and all you do is tear me down insult me hurt me with your words and do nothing but harm me emotionally physically mentally and I just can’t take it any longer this server is so abusive and toxic it’s crazy. no one even realizes how disgusting all of your behaviors are. every single time I talk or type or even do anything or interact with anyone in the server everybody just goes against me and gangs up on me like a pack of wolves and just attacks me and i didn’t do anything to deserve these attacks and these hurtful words. i literally just try to be nice to everybody but nobody ever wants to be in my shoes and nobody ever tries to sympathize with me and see where I’m coming from all of you just see me as the enemy and as the bad guy that’s trying to ruin the server or something when really I’m just trying to spread positivity. you guys act like I’m some kind of virus or disease, constantly casting me out so much, making me feel so left out and so alone in this server. it’s fucking driving me insane I feel mental and I feel like a weirdo just being around all of you because of how you treat me. at this point in time, I’ve given up on ever trying again and ever becoming any of your friends because I just know your feelings towards me clearly. i know all of you hate me and never want to be around me again or never have anything to do with me. it’s clear that you all think I’m a joke and that I’m stupid, idiotic and boring. it’s so mean because I literally don’t do anything to you guys but you guys always act like you hate me and it makes me feel so confused because I don’t know what I did to deserve it. I feel like I should just leave because clearly nobody wants to be around me and everyone would be happier if i left anyways so i’ll just go and i hope all of you find happiness in life and i’m sorry for all the troubles i’ve ever put any of you through. i give up. goodbye.


Pretty adecuate response considering what op said




noun: grass; plural noun: grasses

vegetation consisting of typically short plants with long, narrow leaves, growing wild or cultivated on lawns and pasture, and as a fodder crop.

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I have never heard the term “grasses” used in my life.

The Gyatt Queen vs the Muscle Heads

You have such a way with words