Posts like these just boost my ego to be honest.
Man you guys have no restraint
Goddamnit, i thought this would be about how cool it is that a woman is in a position of authority or something, nope it’s just horny.
Tis’ but inevitable, the moment we found out in lore that there’s a female npc that’s a queen in a roblox game, people would be going wild
If it happened for Iris in her introduction then it’s to be expected for the queen
are people incapable of being normal
This is vetex forums.
my god what is that repost count
If I had a Galleon for everytime this same image has been reposted, I would have a whole ass brig
Seek proper professional psychiatric counseling
no wonder why calvus wanted to be allies bro
Man wants an heir fast, or revon will be the goofy king of ravenna
no way
she dont want you lil bro
You people need to be fucking banned
This is truly…