That nigh fucking useless dogshit feature? You need to fish 3x the chance of catching a sunken to trigger it, completely useless
i don’t think sunken pity is useless. you’re guaranteed a sunken every 3k fish. why is that bad LOL
Yeah! you only have to fish for 30 hours and you’ll get your pity sunken : D
I dont get the gutting and the wipe.
Luck 5 currently increases all drop rates by 99%, making everything nigh garanteed. This is obviously pretty broken, so instead of gutting luck entorely I propose a new change:
Luck now increases drop rates multiplicatively
I.e if the chance of getting a legendary fish is 1/1000, then with luck V it will be + 100% higher, i.e 1/500. Assuming a gilded luck V aura lasts an hour, and that you fish 4 fish a minute thats around 240 fish per aura, or around 500 per 10 scales, which isnt enough for infinite scales.
With sunkens, its 1/3000 so 1/1500 with luck V. Again, 4 fish a minute so around 500 fish per 10 scales, so thats a 1/3 chance of getting sunken per 10 scales. Or is that not how it works…
Anyway this might make luck underpowered, but right now vetex is gutting it.
It’s really not that bad. It doesn’t take 30 hours. Just get an ensnaring bronze rod. Like yesterday i caught like 300 fish i’m up to 4k fish rn
I still don’t understand why sunken pity is a problem. “It’s useless!” Like no it’s not it’s literally a free sunken just stop being lazy and fish lol like it took me months to reach 3k cuz i admit i’m lazy but hey i reached it eventually and got a sweet sunken and even before pity i got like 2 sunkens or something so it is not useless
still faster than getting 3 legendary fishes
sunkens should have never been locked behind this god awful “feature”
What do you think would make fishing better? Because to me, AO’s fishing is like the same as every other game’s fishing (besides games where fishing IS the game).
this would help a little!!!
I think having those fishing techniques as an option is good, but they shouldn’t completely replace normal fishing (which I don’t think you said they would). Fishing should still be a slow relaxing process, but techniques can provide a fun little risk and reward.
yea the first one you get would be what we have right now at redwake but it would have crap rewards and take forever and be super boring.
so nothing would change with that lol.
the more difficult the minigame is, the better your odds of getting something worth the time investment.
dude they are independant catches so whether u get 500 fish or more the drop rate will be the same
But they aren’t. You can get them from underwater chests now
Exactly, I held a poll and the majority of people catch sunkens before 3k anyways so it’s pretty useless
I’ve caught multiple sunken sets and it has never taken me more than 3k reels to get one, it’s not a problem just useless
it’s a free bonus sunken idk why u complaining
Still useless or not you get a free sunken out of it lol
That’s what i’m saying
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