K seriously what the frick?

you can still easily get 2-3 legendary fishes from an hour of luck 4. Those 2-3 legendary fishes = 4-6 legendary scales and that can either nearly get you 2 new luck 4 potions or more than 2 luck 4 potions. Luck 4 was INCREDIBLY op because of its nearly guaranteed potential to make you profit in leg scales. Idk how you only got 2 leg fish from 2 auras but thats either incredibly unlucky or youre not using the right strat.

sunken likely wont be outclassed

this is ridiculous. You have no idea how fucked the game’s economy became due to luck 4/5 :skull: . Look i get that you want the average player to get the best gear in a somewhat reasonable amount of time but luck parties literally allowed people to get multiple sunkens within hours and repeat the process with NO downside. A nerf was 10000% necessary but it wouldve prolly been better if the luck 4 nerf wasnt as harsh as it is rn

edit: just abuse the hell out of luck 4 and 5 before the update releases. It really isnt a big deal since sunkens and acrimonies are the only REALLY rare and useful things in the game and what do you know? You can stock up on them rn :scream:

I REALLY wish this was the fault of the balance team, but unfortunately, its Vetex’s idea :sob:

I need luck potions for blasted arc grind. Also I was hoping to get 20 scales to host luck V so I can get sunken, but guess that’s not happening

you can still get luck potions rn for your blasted arc grind
you can still get luck potions next upd if you store leg fishes in your fish tank
you can still get sunkens if you get luck potions rn or next update

just do alt chart farming

I’m already doing that, but after digging up tons of charts (with some using luck 4) and getting no blasted arcsphere, its not worth it to just do without luck

99.9% of all gamblers quit before they hit jackpot. Keep trying!

hmm once I get 10 leg scales I could host a luck V party…
also vetex should at least make fishing more than just hitting m1. maybe some locations give more items/fish than others, or maybe some sort of fishing rod attachment to your ship where you can change the type of fishing rod, etc.

fishing isn’t even relaxing because the moment I look away and have a miniscule lag spike, I lose the fish

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This literally exists to prevent being able to use luck to, in turn, gain more luck reagents, creating an infinite loop that breaks the game’s balance.

vetex should honestly make the tier 2 reagent not a leg scale but something you find in wilderness like a clover

still, it improved a lot of the stuff from the game, ya maybe it was accidental (but looking how testers had to convince vetex, i doubt he rlly cares) but it also brought such a QoL, accidentally making the game better

Y’know what? Just because you asked yeah they will, everyone’s golden scales will be removed and its all your fault

Add fishing specific luck potions plox (reduced effectiveness) that works on rare+ fish.

We’re literally getting fishmonger rod in this update, which increases strength, so combine that with toughened and you’ll still get plenty of massive fish

delete ur post so vetex wont see it


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this change is the only reason i might come back to the game

We doing trading revive with that single change