Kai or Elius swords

I’m a shadow Conj using cult staff and sunken sword and I have no idea which sword is better[poll type=regular results=always chartType=bar]

  • Kai Sabre
  • Scimitars of storm

nice poll
i’d say they’re basically the same but i prefer sabre bc flash strike is faster and has lower cd, also flying slash existing

kai is just…better
scimitars projectiles are just terrible

Damn really? I thought they were pretty nice when I used them :sob:

Dual swords on top :fire:

i mean i prefer scimitars because its tp ability is way easier to use and has longer distance so maybe that’s why you like them

I use Kai since it’s projectile move doesn’t feel shitty to use.

scims if you like tp and like to chase
kai if you wanna use a ranged weapon and unreliable tp

they equal

situational, i would say that katana is meant to be use more up close while sabers is for approach

Depends on what ya want.

Kai saber gives cleaner hits and more damage but the dash lacks range
Scimitars of storms give greater dash range but its slash’s are too weak to be affective unless your close enough to punish.

So if you want something all around, kai saber
But if you want something with better dashes but offensively limited to punishes, go for The Scimitars