Kalliste drop

Screenshot 2024-09-27 154614
L stats lowk

:face_holding_back_tears: I LOVE ARCANE ODYSSEY!!!

Why is it piercing???

Why not? W dmg gear fr (power + piercing)

this shit is so ass :face_holding_back_tears:

tell that to this

Evander’s gear is full defense :frowning:

i mean good for intensity builds ngl

How hard was it to fight Valerii?

I think people forgot about the intensity rework

honestly, one of the easiest parts of the raid

the hardest part was doing the waves themselves

Isn’t armor piercing good?
Actually wait, does AP work in PvE or is it purely a PvP stat?

If it works in PvE, it’s going to be against blocks if I had to guess.

So against players, its effectiveness depends on how many defensive stats the target has.
Against NPCs, its power2.

Sounds useful to me.