Keep my sunkens, or trade for headless

Should I be keeping my sunkens (hard ss and clean sb), or attempting to trade for a headless? I’m not too sure which has more value, given that Vetex would be quadrupling the value of sunkens (in terms of galleons), but headless literally being unobtainable.

I don’t think you’d have much luck getting a headless with those, but I’d try it since headless is only gonna get more and more valuable while sunken stuff (besides the sword) may take a BIG value drop in AO.

you should

i think you should

Most people probably know the value of headless heads by now, so it might be difficult to get one with just two sunken items. Still, definitely try to get one if you can

No if he offered all of those that’s big overpay, people would probably accept that.

Maybe. Still, I wouldn’t accept it since I only have 4 headless ¯\__(ツ)_/¯

4 is still a good amount, but in the end it is your choice :man_shrugging:

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