sooo hes dead?
I’m still alive, yet again!!!
Perez presents stuff he got from during his travels in the multiverse using his Darkness Curse! (Implying that he solos the universe these items got from!)
right, so the cube thing is from pressure (I think), no clue what the book is, jason vorhees’ mask and a random chainsaw. (DOOM slayer reference???)
Hint: Classic Horror Icons!
friday the 13th, leatherface and hellraiser
idk what the fourth one could be
Evil Dead! (Necronomicon)
I was way off, bar 1.
bro the amount of stuff pilling up behind there
Got them from JTN and his friends provided in his server!
Yu Rang: Xuanloong’s Legendary Assassin
A mysterious assassin hails from the Xuanloong Dynasty of the Chimera Sea, who seems to be the wielder of Duplication Curse, which allows him to duplicate many replicas of himself. He conjured his Curse with his own proficiency in martial arts and killing methods in very effective ways!
Rumors said that he’s one of Xuanloong’s Empress’ elite retainers, but some said that he’s an assassin of an underground triad of his kingdom, and some said he’s the Emperor of Xuanloong himself. Despite him being known as his kingdom’s legendary assassin, he’s not affiliated with the Assassin Syndicate at all, and he’s outright turned against them!
Yu Rang(s) in action!
Now I’ve decided that… I’m going to remake Sukhothai’s outfit to be my own clothing assets!
Now I need to go clean my eyes.
With bleach.