King Calvus Guide (According to an Idiot)

Calvus is hard. If anyone tells you otherwise they are either the second coming of Jesus or lying through their teeth. Here is how to make him slightly less hard.

How 2 Beat First Phase Calvus
1.) Royal Pillar. This attack is very telegraphed, you just fire an attack towards him and wait. Make sure you’re not up in his face and have room to dash. As soon as you see the damage numbers from your attack, dash directly at him. Once you avoid the attack, fire another one at him for some extra damage. You can usually only fit one in.
2.) Royal Crash. After he crashes to the ground, dodge to either side. He will either throw the Triasta or Rush at you. Either one can be avoided by just moving to the side. If he rushes at you, prepare for his next attack. If he threw the Triasta, start running either left or right, as he’ll be shooting 4 projectiles in quick succession. After the 4th projectile lands, dodge in the opposite way you were moving to avoid his next attack, and immediately attack him with a ranged attack. Wait for him to kick them attack again.
3.) The Big Ball thingy. When he begins charging this, fire off 2 attacks then wait for him to fire it. As soon as he does, dodge to either side and hope you successfully avoid it. If you have too much faith in your luck, high jump before he fires it.
4.) Royal Explosion. Same charge animation as The Big Ball Thingy. Keep your distance when he begins charging and you’ll be fine. If you don’t have enough distance, block and pray.

By following this strategy, you should be able to beat his first phase fairly quickly. Note: Use ranged attacks. You never want to be near him.

Phase 2 Time. When he says his phase 2 line, get right up next to him and begin charging an attack. When he straightens up, fire it.

1.) Royal Pillar. Same strat as 1st phase, with a quicker charge time but much more potential for punishment.
2.) Royal Crash. Same strat with more of the same. If he shoots a laser, I am so sorry. Run in a straight line, turning when you get near walls. Never go the opposite direction you were running. After the last projectile is fired, dodge and begin blocking.
3.) Royal Supernova. Oh dear god. You can’t dodge this unless you have perfect timing and are on the opposite side of the room. So just stand still and fire 2 attacks while he is charging. After he fires, wait until it’s about to hit you then block. Hopefully you’ll party it and won’t instantly get incinerated.
4.) Royal Explosion. Same strat as 1st phase.

Calvus is now maybe easier hopefully.

Get prepared for The Boss After Calvus, the fight usually reaches 6 hours long due to the Cutscene.


Calvus ez

wdym? it took you 6 hours?

Personally, I beat calvus quickly by spamming blast and beam at him every time he charges an attack, and dodging and blocking everything else. The only time I found him hard is when I had 0 idea how to fight him, and just tried to hit him while he was dashing.

Decent guide, but change some names to be a bit more recognisable(royal pillar? i guess its correct, but I havent seen anyone calling it that), and maybe screenshots to make sure the people who actually need this understand what to do.

TERRIBLE guide, instead just block parry dodge

hes easy until he uses barrage while charging his ult and shreds ur hp bc u though u had an opening


on release I was about to beat him as an unawakened light conj, phase 2 n all, then he does that and tosses the run. i rq’ed

movestacking nerf whene

how to deal with most of calvus’ attacks:


unless he’s movestacking that’s cringe

It’s a joke, y’know, the wiki edit for Prince Revon?

Calvus only took me 3 hours (I’m very bad at the game)

Guide but shorter:

For Mages: Use your Q blast and aim properly (this is a must for his charged attacks) while doing the dodge + T jump tech + magic leap tech. Also try to stay mid air and drop down if he uses his multi blast spell.

For Berserker: Use M1 and Shot lol. same dodging technique as mage except staying mid air wont do you much.

For Warrior: Knocking Blitz and guns, but mostly just guns. same dodging technique as mage, you can’t really stay mid air as this class.

For hybrids: whichever combat style you use refer to the 3 above.

Just killed king calvus on my new file within 5 deaths.

d1: Fair death, I got too cocky and I haven’t been playing AO much, so that’s that.

d2: Another fair death, this time I did pretty good, but those DAMN CRATERS KEPT ON MESSING ME UP!

d3: Bro… the movestacking… I got him to 1000 HP but he did a big ball blast+sword barrage, so I ate 400 damage and died.

d4: I’m gonna be completely honest with you, I have no clue as to how I died this time. I got him to 700 HP, then he used his big placed explosion, so I used Claws E. iFramed most of the DMG, ate a small 92 DMG, but then I suddenly died. I didn’t even see him use another attack, but I died??

d5: Pretty much just sold.

then I proceeded to beat him with 800 HP left(my max is 900 HP, on the dot)

Calvus vs dagger (dagger wins)

Or they just learned how to fight Calvus. Although I’ll admit that Calvus is less of an enjoyable fight for style/weapon users but it’s still very much so doable. If you want something hard to do then there are other games with harder bosses.

Not sure if you mentioned it in your topic but the pillar attack has no vertical hitbox so if you jump high enough you can be “in” the pillar and not take damage. So from there if you’re awakened you can just air stall and punish (best with blast and probably shot)

You can pretty much cheese his pillar by standing on the platform where his throne is at, hitting calvus during the charge, and high jumping around the moment your attack hits calvus.

if you high jump too early, then just air-stall on the way down.


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Sometimes if he does the shitty movestack (20? Blast and pillar at the same time) I dash out and go onto the chandelier to avoid the 1500 damage

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