King David animation tests

man doing quick animations between classes is something


This is so smooth I love it!

Teach me! :sweat_smile:

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the “smooth’ parts are mostly from my in-between frames lol (aka the frames that appears between each “key/main action” frames)

I either draw additional animations between those, bend the same frame to make it seem like it’s moving, or just copy paste the same frame and add few animating details

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It just gets worse funnier in the next ones after the first animation

i am now sad to have seen king david floss


good for you!

Exactly what BNT said, the hardest part about animation is in betweens.
There are a multitude of methods, I use the “pose to pose” method, where you only draw the key frames, then add the in betweens. This allows me to plan ahead completely.

I’ve been doing it wrong… I’ve been trying to draw frame by frame

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yes fem vid

no wait nvm

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There are two methods, frame by frame and pose to pose.
Frame by frame is good because you’re able to see everything, however, one mistake can cause you to have to redo a lot of frames.