KIRBY ART kirby art KIRBY ART kirby art

Hold up-
Something ain’t right.
Did this man straight up lie about the art to necrobump?
@Azlx Explain yourself. I’ll wait.

He silent

just replace “” with “” and you see the image :confused:

…it always redirects to arcane odyssey

i dont think you understand what context is

go ahead
and try replacing “arcaneodyssey” in the url with “worldofmagic”
redirects to front page

what happened to you man

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replace “worldofmagic” with “arcaneodyssey”

do i need to go slower?

I tried, didn’t work

copy the link address and change it…?
i dont understand why this is so difficult

here are the other 2 :3

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All I see is picture

yah im showing you how to view the archived pictures

i’ll ask again
what the hell happened to you man


Wait how did he figure out how to do it tho


well for one, a week ago there weren’t any 4-month necrobumps

I typed the exact same thing in both images so I’m pretty sure you’re hiding something

holy shit youre taking every opportunity to get at my throat
i get it necroposting made you super duper mad at me
literally just posting the images for you to see so please shut up

yeah but you see the thing is you necrobumped without ever seeing the art