KIRBY ART kirby art KIRBY ART kirby art

Maybe you have access to something that anyone else wouldn’t have access to? Just saying

stop going off topic holy shit u wanna argue with me talk to a wall

it’s WAX so yes

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joke btw

how the fuck did a necropost suddenly get 42 replies


it was genuinely just as a funny why are we starting drama about this

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what happened to you man
why are you 3 doing so much necrobumping

you’re feeding them attention shouldve just ignored it
i dont see the big need to reply to a necrobump :neutral_face:

then how do they learn to stop

when you dont give attention

kirby pengine

its funny sorry bro

its ok man

Since when did WAX have this title?

he got it recently.
idk who made the forum god title for him, but its neat nonetheless.

can titles be automatically equipped, manually equipped by admins and the user, or the user only?

idk why i asked this just wanted to know

i suspect macobre