Knuz learns what a pen is (mostly)


Let’s forking goooooo
Oversized anchor weapon ftw

It’s good to see you again knuz!

can someone tell me how im discovering this work of art dump thread JUST now???

That’s one of the coolest anchor weapons I’ve seen!!!

i fucked up we’re starting over

(she is going to be more fucked up :slightly_smiling_face:)


getting there :slight_smile:


Visible abs?

Definitely an upgrade.

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hmm yknow im starting to get the feeling this guy may have a type. not sure tho

No, really? Come now, how could I have possibly indicated such? Truly, I believe you to be arriving posthaste at a most unwarranted and unreasonable conclusion- and oh yeah, I love the kind of woman that’d actually just kill me.

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she can, she wouldn’t

the one who would is red, 5’2 and about as well fed as an unused printer. :slight_smile:

take a minute and just look at the improvement


june 2021 vs june 2024

wow! amazing!

oh damn wait yea

finally got a display adapter for my new monitor which means im BACK IN THE KITCHEN :bangbang:

i am now going to give this thing proper lineart before i color and shade it


i also have a question for you, chatroom.
fuck a single color, whats y’alls favorite color combos? what shit you think goes good together? :slight_smile:

red and gold
purple and gold
black and gold
gold and bronze
black and red
black and pink
black and purple

basically have used like at least 5 of these to make one of my ocs

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lineart is done i color and shade it tomorrow ok :slight_smile:

or shade it first then color… idk… we will see…

Navy blue and gold / silver.

Green and bronze.

Red and green Mario and Luigi

The Wicked Witch of the West, redesigned for the 4th arc of an ongoing campaign.

Shading all those teeth was a fucking nightmare. Jesus christ.


wamen with abs niceee


Good news for you sir: that is also my specialty.