Kushan's Smoke Arrows Market


– Strong Iron Armour x1
– Strong Iron Helmet x3

Wizard Gear

  • Hats

– Ask me color
– Strong x2
– Hard

  • Robes
    – Only clean
    – Ask me color
  • Pants
    – Ask me color
    – Strong Blue
    – Hard Red

Dull Amulets

  • Power

– Hard Dull Power Amulet x1

  • Defense

– Hard Dull Defense Amulet x3
– Strong Dull Defense amulet x5


  • Capes
    – I have every color, but white and grey
  • Valkyries
    – I have every color (black, pink, white etc)!
    I Could Get You Anything Just Msg Me

do you sell smoke arrows?

No sorry mate :frowning: (If you read the page it would be very clear that I am selling stuff for it)

Are you wizard hats strong enchanted or are they normal if enchanted how much?

I have 2 that is strong and 1 that is hard. I have also clean one, but I didn’t understand your last sentence

How much in smoke arrow value would be either your strong or hard wizard hat

You have purple Wizard Robe and pants?

Yes I do have the both wizard items

Nvm I was being silly, how much smokes arrow for them?

200 smoke arrows for each

For the enchanted hats?

400 smoke arrows per hat

I have about 336 smoke arrows but you think I can balance the offer with clean magenta wizard robes? Or would you rather have the 400 in full pure?

I really want the Purple Wizard robe but I’m 15 smoke arrows short. Can I compensate for 15 smoke arrows by crowds?

I accept that deal fr my roblox

man I can do -15 smoke arrows dw. I am not greedy

just join my roblox Name Verki ign is Lucy Drake

Awesome, I’ll give you some stuffs for compensation but can you friend me since I can’t seem to find you on Roblox, my ign “Aominek”.

Send a trade offer to AtomicEcho

I will join you after Kyubey

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