Kxks Writer Election Speech

Ladies and Gentlemen of the writing category, I have come to you with my words.

You don’t understand what we’re going through! With WOM going away, and the bringing of AO, we are one of the groups who can bring people joy and entertainment. I have ideas that can help us bring the writing category further than we have already gone!

  • Annual writing meetings to discuss the situation of stories going around hand in hand across the writing category!

  • Give support to others in their story! Things like tips and such can help further the detail and world building of their stories! (Like what happened to me, Thank you @Robotstics And @Danny_Zou, I wouldn’t be here without you!)

    One of our major problems is that we are all further apart! So with me, we can come together and making the writing category a creative success!

Come Now, Let’s change the writing category, who’s with me?

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But you didn’t wi-

nice ideas though

Trying to change the writing category through a speech with my intentions! I haven’t won yet but I hope this can get people on my side!

I don’t know what’s going on but I fully support you :100:

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Thank you for the support!