La Dévolution!

Fuck this Government. Fuck the Catalysts. To hell with Macobre’s fake ideas of Communism. I will take her heart and all of the catalysts, as well. Freedom for all who have been desecrated!

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Do you join me in the will of anarchy?

Of course I will. I will take Macobre’s heart and make her CONFESS TO ALL OF US!

if you’re a catalyst of chaos then i am a catalyst of truth

the devolution begins


engenir gaem ing

iubignienigeigenieer gaminmifgmniignng

I’m waiting :3

Why are you so eager :3

Because all this big talk is boring. Can you actually carry this out?

I’ll try

I’m in.

Viva la dévolution!

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People will do anything to have a grasp of anarchy macobre

Y’all are free to create chaos, you just aren’t doing it

no simpage allowed

Starting chaos with little members is a foolish move

macobre more like stinky

Chaos needs no organization, you’re doing it wrong