La Dévolution!

like your innate lack of actual self-confidence and having to hide behind 26 other people to do your work for you

literal mouth breather

yo calm down :fr:


now can y’all assassinate me or whatever already?

Who is this “lov” you speak of, refer to us with more respect imbecile

pew pew



shes fucking dead :flushed:

guys chill out a bit

Yeah ik this is all jokes right

We can still revolt but don’t insult that much

pew pew

I literally don’t care, I’ve thought worse about myself

why are you starting to go down the emo girl route now


Always was

I’m not trying put people down here, I’m only trying to put your rank down.


never knew you were that edgy

Ya, I don’t really do anything that would make that happen so gl ig

That’s surprising

can you resign now this is beginning to get boring

Aren’t you guys supposed to revolt or something?

Not yet.