Lb hunting

For people who want to know what it takes on average to kill a lb player.

To kill a lb player u have to be running insane amounts of one of either stat or both. The stats being either agility or attack spd. I’ve seen jerrmuk make aoe zerker work when tiers were busted but most the time the first 2 stats i mentioned are more consistent. Currently a good gear ep is 840-900.

If your going to go for anyone thats above around top 50 your going to need people who also pvp/hunt with you. Its not impossible to win 1v2 or 1v3 ganks but its insanely difficult.

You have to have heal pots. Gels on the other hand help but its def possible to win with out them i do recommend using them if you do have them. Reveal pots help for pvp in general ill even pop them in elysium sometimes because of magma vfx or some people are just really hard to keep track of. There is a key on your key board at the top left looks like this “~” it opens up your back pack. I recommend using that as well. Sometimes your just in diffenent situation and require different tools like water breathing, agile potion, maybe u want equip a slow gel last second.

Finally lb hunting can be pretty exciting and fun! Don’t let losses hurt your pride too much. Take it on the chin and move on.

it just seems like a waste of time unless you want to push lb yourself, all lb players use cheese/team/scummy tactics its not worth fighting them

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If people exploit u can report them and they will get banned a bunch of people got banned for exploiting weapons recently.

Lb hunting in my experience has mostly been pretty fun and competitive. I’ve had some exploitation here and there but they got banned by not even me but by other people they used the exploitation on.

Lb hunting is something u definitly have to be invested in to get into. So yeah its a big waste of time for people who dont find competitive enviornments fun.

If you want to climb Leaderboard, you have to play unfair and it very rare for leaderboard player to play fair

is this a problem

meta is always gonna be a meta.

I don’t get why people complain about some stat like attack speed or agility or attack size being overbearing and “unbeatable” without running it when power and defence have done that since fucking WoM. No, I don’t care that those two stats scale linearly and that’s why they get to bypass the check. All stats SHOULD be linear. The game WOULD be more balanced if you had to actually fucking invest into a stat rather than just 200.

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well, to be fair, power and defense are allowed to be “OP” because they’re the core stats of the game, the most important stats out of all the others

that’s why every other stat is called a “substat” because they can’t compare to the level of criticality that is more health and more damage.

they’re only important like that because they’re given this special treatment. Make every stat linear, and I guarantee power and defence won’t be nearly as critical

linear agility

move so fast you crash the game :+1:

with linear stats, how much you get from a single stat would be heavily nerfed, and adjusted so that stuff like 600 attack speed with current formula would be identical for both linear and inverse scaling.

the goal being so that, as already stated, you actually have to think about how much you invest

power and defense just increase ur raw damage and hp

the other stats completely change how you approach a fight

this is the same reason why regen, resistance, and armour pen aren’t as successful of substats
instead of changing the way you approach a fight, they try to do what power and defense already does by boosting your raw damage output and survivability, just not as good as power and defense


“mom can we have defense and power?”

“we have defense and power at home already sweetie, we don’t need to buy more”

defense and power at home:


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that sums it up :skull:

Yoshi8me is very popular amongst pvp playerd for his raw skill. There are others too but not all lb players are lame “boosters.”

Lol yeah that sums up resistance pen and regen fr

That why I said very rare

wait, youre telling me people dont know about that??


only issue i could see is early levels trying to invest that high

man i wanna train with yoshi so i can become the best of the best

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Bait used to be believable