Legendary weapons should have a ridiculous skill ceiling

Theres no point in grinding for that

look at the fucking graph
lws should only be better than normal weapons if the user is really fucking good at using at

I give up, your a lost cause

I’ve looked at the fucking graph multiple times… What i’m saying is that lws shouldn’t be on the level as common weapons. They should give a noticeable advantage no matter your skill level.

then it’s just a crutch
instead of “damn this guy is really damn good at using the lw” it’s “lw crutch”
and nobody likes crutches

Skill issue rusty can still meta

Average DBZ fan(He trained really hard tho) vs Average “so you’re saying” fan

Bruv you realize that leg weapons are going to be the equivalent of ancient magics and ancient fighting styles but for weapons, meaning it’s gonna require grinding, plus it’s just going to have more perks and maybe a special effect like how sunken has soaked or how flare has stacked singed, it’s gonna be like a basic weapon with extra skills and shit, there’s no, oh it’s a leg weapon or ancient magic/fighting style I get to one shot you b.s
It’s still going to require skill to aim, for example just because I have an ancient magic, say equinox I may have an edge in base damage, but if I can’t aim for shit then it doesn’t matter, someone with a base magic could beat me as long as they are skilled
Think of it this way, let’s compare something like vampirism, flare magic and a theoretical exotic weapon(I’m assuming this is the weapons equivalent for lost magics) vampirism is just basic combat with blood like effects and life steal, same as basic, maybe a bit higher than average base damage etc. same with flare, it’s almost like fire magic, basically the same interactions, just higher base aoe and the stacking singed. So from this we can assume that an exotic weapon would have extra effects (like blood steal for the sake of simplicity) and extra skills

i personally want legs/ancients to be really hard to use properly but once mastered is really really strong in that discipline
they should be hard (but fair, no rng bullshit) to get and hard to use, but once those 2 are done, they should be one of the best
if they’re just “i am x item but better with 0 downsides” then it’s kinda eh

what the fuck, is this a warzone?

went from a discussion until SOME guy called me delusional because he thinks grinding is a better thing to reward than mechanical skill/game knowledge/etc

I’m not too big of a fan of legendary weapons in general, because there’s no good solution for balancing them.

Luck? Nope, someone got a legendary weapon within 10 tries and is now destroying the server.

High skill floor and ceiling? Better, but this encourages a mentality of “the way to make the most out of this weapon is to prove that you don’t need it to win fights”.

It probably would also turn the game into Team Fortress 2’s current state where a single, extremely skilled Sniper can shut down a server by themselves because the Sniper’s skill ceiling is just that much higher than all of the other classes.

Gimmicks? Still not great, but the best choice in my opinion since players like fancy moves. Imagine having a move that whacked away anyone in front of you, leap in the air, and smash down like Devastate. Imagine a slash that applied status effects from the magics you’re using and the status effects of the weapon instead of just applying status effects of the weapon.

Nothing too hard to pull off, just something cool.

shit take, but i have one that’s even shittier

in my opinion, legendary weapons shouldn’t exist.

That is how a skill based game works after all but this applies to base magics too, a base magic user could definitely beat an ancient magic user granted they are good enough

This is bull shit, there is no good way to make an extremely skill based system in a game to obtain an item, other wise if you don’t have the time to practice, then you’ll never get it, with rng everyone has the exact same chance of getting it, it’s just if you put enough time to. I do see what you’re trying to say though, but it’s really difficult to do so.

That’s literally what lost magics are, flare magic? Just better fire with a new perk, aether magic? Just better light magic. Darkness magic? Just better shadow. We know for a fact that lost(and ancient) magics will have better base stats than add magics and possibly a new effect(or 2). And like I said before, if someone is skilled at using a base magic they could easily beat someone using an ancient magic. Sure it may be a little harder but you know, since you’re skilled and all you should have no problems.

Another thing to mention, you’re acting like every class is going to be able to use legendary weapons, they probably won’t cause of the weapons stat requirement.
This whole post is like saying, “oh I got a 1/40k chance, now with my better than average base damage I can go one shot everyone” the stats aren’t going to be that much higher than numbers we have right now. Sure they’ll be helpful but they won’t be able to completely destroy someone unless the opponent is just that low leveled.

Tl;dr leg weapons should require rng cause any other solution would make the community upset. And also leg weapons and their equivalents aren’t gonna be stupid overpowered in the first place, they are just going to have higher base damage, probably more aoe, more skills, and likely a gimmick or 2


i don’t like it when further progression is directly dependent to RNG because it’s out of your control, but fair

this is kinda lame, at some point in the game where most people have losts/exotics (this is probably going to happen) magics/weapons in the lower tier will become irrelevant, which kinda sucks

thanks for being respectful about this shit unlike the other guy

Tbh it would be nice for someone like me cause I’m skilled, but it’s a really bad idea. It’ll make someone with very good skills literally impossible to kill, and it’s gonna be dog shit for the rest of the 99% of people which is just going to ruin the fun and make people not want to get it. It should be a lot rarer and stronger for everyone cause that’s what’s makes it fun and time worthy


Lost magics and their equivalents aren’t part of the progression, they are a side thing that you may or may not get. There’s supposed to be a thing you get in between updates, they were never planned to be part of progression, like you’ve said, it’s stupid to lock something for progression behind rng, that’s why lost magics and all aren’t progression

I agree , it’s kinda boring but it’s kinda obvious that’s the idea, of course we don’t know how the other builds will work, but for mages we know that they can get 5 magics, 3 base 1 lost + 1 ancient/2 lost. From flare magic we can see that there will still be synergies and interactions for lost magics so base magics will still be relevant for combos and synergies, especially for applying lost spells(this is a massive variable which I don’t want to get into) I would hope it’s similar for weapons where maybe you could have 2 exotic or 1 legendary along with 3 “normal” weapons or for fighting styles to have interactions between them like how magics have them. But that’s as far as we can hope.

Sure, anytime


Why have you done this

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