Less edgy intro this time

I did one of these before but it was overly edgy so I had it removed. Why? Because it was cringe.

Hi, I’m Coded. I do animation stuff but I don’t think any of you care about that. Let’s discuss what my Arcane Odyssey stuff is like.

I main an Acid conjurer build, it’s served me quite well and is really the only build that does decent damage, (as long as I can aim my attacks correctly), and I guess I have a decent amount of fame or something.

I don’t do PVP all that often - not like I can anyway, I still suck at it. I would like to learn how to a bit more so that I at least have some chance at winning a fight. I am slowly working on that.

I don’t really interact with the community all that much, but when I see wholesome moments that make me smile, it’s always nice. (The Arcane community can be a bit weird sometimes. No offense.)

End of introduction. Hi, how’re we doing?

Welcome to the forums, hope you enjoy the stay
What variant of acid are you using?

I’ve been here a while, I just had my old introduction deleted.
Green variant of Acid.

Hello there, I’m Roam. I visit the forums when there is a new update every time trying to stay just a bit longer but eventually go forget about it like I do with everything else and also sux at pvp.
Nice to meet you.

Welcome to the forums :clap:

You’ve somehow stumbled upon the least weird side of the community.

(Relative to the other parts of the community)