Lessons on trash talking after winning a 3v2

To preface: I’m not salty, not actually trying to witch hunt, just thought this was really funny and wanted to document it. Honestly, I’m disappointed if anything, because I really like 1v1s and had a good time while fighting each of them individually.

Also: I am not a PvP connoisseur, I have maybe 400 kills across 3 files, 80 on the one I was playing on. Still like 1v1s tho

Summary of events

I freed Swordguy from an execution (still funny that pos rep can do that) cuz im nice like that and was just doing chests when DTGW pulls up with his fart ash clouds. I die that first encounter, get his poster, kill him second, then he sends “now wait for the log” or something, I wait around for his prison sentence and then it becomes a 2v1 (wow), I get diffed because I haven’t played this file much since b4 port mistral (yes skill issue), also Ash clouds suck balls.
Then it becomes a 2v2, I can’t see anything with the fart clouds, and they pull in another guy for a 3v2. Mostly just getting shit on at that point cuz I literally cannot see anything, and Ice Sailorfist is not as good as it once was.

Some context needed (help)

Sometime during the 3v2 they said supporter gonna go cry in vetcord? I think? Genuinely confused because I left the discord a while ago and have no idea what they mean


ayo was meepy18 a part of the gank squad :skull:

No, only one not involved. I don’t think I would have been able to deal with a 4v2 :skull:


sadly the others weren’t online and i don’t feel like chasing after them as well


Can’t imagine that was a tough fight, thanks for the effort tho. They kinda sucked 1v1


i caught him with his pants around his ankles while he was low from ship sinking :skull:
almost felt bad

dthegachawol is one of the most horrendous people i’ve ever fought and he’s toxic asl… these 5th gens are outta control man…


He did pretty much the same thing so don’t feel bad. Also I doubt he would have won at full hp either

yeah probably not

to the book these losers go

Book of vengeance looking good

All my slimes

They’re heading straight to the mole’s den.

I will never understand people going chernobyl radiation level over magic lego game

If meepy was part of it y’all would prob be cooked

I think it was probably his aura that got them to leave in fear :pray::pray:

Ganking, toxicity, ego . Dthegachawol, the King of the dickheads, attained everything this world has to offer.

If anyone decides they’re gonna form a forum vengeance party I would happily join

Do y’all have any ideas on how to fight against Ash Size? I swear I’ve seen the guy who used it before.