Let people apply to be suggestor acceptors

Tl4 is mod but you are held accountable for your actions :skull:

User of the month badge holders are a good start

also bring back UoTM voting ig

Actually that seems like a good idea
Still should make sure they are active though

Recent UoTMs are very active (Bio, Crimsonpants, Randomness) while also recognized by the general community to be upstanding individuals. TL4 is just, let’s be real, hardly anyone know about them save for Divanochi

You are my user of the month

arcane odyssey flirting

Not here sweetie everyone’s looking :flushed:

yes this is a joke

Just my opinion, but for me it’s the whole idea of the suggestor role that it’s flawed.
It limits greatly the chance that someone with a good idea could share it.
Couldn’t there just be a suggestion category and everyone get to create a topic on it, but with a limitation to reduce spam and focus on the few ideas? Maybe something like, you can only post with TL3 and you get only a post for month?

Honestly I keep thinking about this stuff and I’d love a way to help, could you ask some of the other mods about this?