Let's discuss toggling PvP

okay but in all seriousness tho, a disable pvp option doesn’t really fit in a game like this.

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lil’ bro is typing a college paper gawd dayum

What if we leave this topic to do a little trolling

cuz I ain’t reading all that

people who dont want to get randomly killed and just play a fun game should have the right to have a no pvp switch. the whole “killing pvp” is going a bit extreme. yes, a decent % of people would turn pvp off but thats only cause they aren’t there to fight other players, they are just trying to have fun in their own way. people with pvp on can have fun their way by fighting eachother and leaving those with pvp off alone.


pvp off button wont ruin the game at all. the only thing it will ruin is the fun trolls have when they randomly kill low levels. plus if you read what i typed in the suggestion, you wouldnt be able to switch it while ur in the main game, only when customizing or creating a character in the main menu.


in your opinion.

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wtf is ur problem man? why you gotta be a dick about this? all im asking is for a pvp off switch.

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As in it kinda ruins the elements of the game
I wouldn’t say it ruins the game but ruins most of the point of having all these abilities and customizations, for me at least idk for others

Its a joke man :sob:

I am sincerely sorry for being silly :pensive: I hope that I didn’t make you poop your pants in rage from my absolute goofball mannerisms and harmless tomfoolery :pray:

I am legit so tempted to put a nerd emoji tho

The urge bro

you know what you gotta do to release it.

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We partake in miniscule amounts of benign misconduct

someone got ganked a little too hard

The “I am a pussy and don’t want confrontation against another player” button, all you need to do is just… Run… Simple as that…


Major skill issue

I agree with this, without pvp it would ruin the fact that people who are better than you have the ability to and potentially will whoop your ass out of the blue.

For an actual reason why this may not be a good idea, consider if you had PvP off, and someone jumped onto your boat and took a sealed chest while you were at a port.

You wouldnt be able to kill them to get the sealed chest, and since sealed chests have to be able to be picked up at all times, youd just lose atleast one, if not more, sealed chests because you decided you didn’t want to PvP.

Furthermore, adding a switch for PvP would lead to a whole host of abusable problems, like being able to jump someone at anytime, and being unable to hit yourself when you switch it back off if they retaliate.


I think that one is simple, only work if both have pvp on
else you kinda fucked up in design part

I meant as in switching pvp on to hit someone else with pvp on, and switching it back off so they cant hit you back, and repeating this until they turn it off