Leviathan Boss

Nah the real Apollyon is Captain Adkins when he hits King Admiral and is sailing in the Dark sea with other high ranking GN members


(Complete sentence)

Adkins has tide curse

Is this edited or real? :skull:


I thought that screenshot was fake?

Imagine this leviathan boss looks like a colgera from Tears of the Kingdom.

Ah fuck

At this point it could be either leviathan boss or legendary ship

I agree. Maybe it’s small relative to most sea monsters. “Not as big as White Eyes,” for example, is still massive.

I think it’s more likely to be Legendary Ship. If it was the Leviathan I think it would say “Leviathan Sea Monster” rather than “Leviathan Boss”

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It could be that it’s another Kraken situation.

Since it’s really small, surrounded by a deadly storm, and it can sink fleets of ships with ease, it could be that nobody has actually seen what it is up close.

Just a guy doin a little trollin.

Ngl the telepathic leviathan inside the facility that talks to you is like the best one imo

The Sea Emperor leviathan? Yeah she gives me the feels. But the reaper is the scariest.


that is her species. she doesn’t have a name.

kid named ghost leviathan:

yeah imagine just driving around and that thing grabs you, that sht creepy

whats even more creepy is that when you read its info, its say that the thing uses sonar to hunt

so when you hear it, it has already seen you

ghost leviathans are fine.
