Leviathan Boss

Oh god, Leviathan… :wink:


Hell yeah

Just checked trello, and its not there
But i both are 14 letters, so maybe its correct?

######### #### - 14 letters

Leviathan Boss - 14 letters


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There was the npc at sailors lodge who talks about the leviathan

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Your guessess?


  • Abyssal Type
  • Apollyon Type

0 voters

Apollyon should be capable of destroying world in my opinion

scp moment ( yes i know apollyon is an actual word, no i dc )

I just need to see scp 3000

Not a surprise, leviathan was mentioned by some npc somewhere in the Bronze Sea, I don’t remember where exactly, but if I will see him again, I will post a screenshot.

Guys, some spoilers :smiling_imp:: Leviathan is not a big boss, but it is very stormy around him (as far as I understood npc’s dialogue).

What the difference?

The only Leviathan i respect

I respect the thing which eaten whole spaceship when its was falling. (I don’t remember its name)

Gargantuan Leviathan

Nvm, I wanted to get screenshot of the dialogue about leviathan, but I got attacked by some lightning\sailor warlock, so I had to kill him using my earth mage…

Guys, now we know what to prepare for, I guess stability would do good in the fight with leviathan, but maybe im wrong.

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Anything called ‘Leviathan’ then classified as something small is goofy.

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Yeah, I got confused by the name too.
But maybe Vetex wanted to surprise us? Or leviathan is the lowest tier dark sea monster?

Cant wait to see school of leviathans