LF big fish for the 400 hunger quest

I literally just need the 400 hunger meal quest to get Bronze Sea Explorer, but my fishing luck for the last hour has been absolute crap. Please someone give me 4 big fish for a meal, I will overpay for them, I am so desperate for these fish
(And by overpay I mean OVERPAY, I can give spells, techniques, exotic scrolls, basically anything out of my inventory for FISH)

I have

like RN I have 4 fish in my tank that could 100% be higher than 400 hunger

Can I have them? My user is firedragongirl2027, you can join me right now if you want

for what

Anything from my inv, you can pick. I can’t upload an image right now because they’re on different devices, but I currently have 1 spell scroll, 2 techniques, a good amount of enchant scrolls, and some potion ingredients

what enchants

2 amplified, 2 strong, 2 marking, 2 piercing, 1 healing, 1 goldsight, 2 hard, 1 virtuous, 1 dense, 1 reinforced, 1 nimble. I know they’re not great but this is my 3rd file, I barely use it

ya ok nvm then I keep fish for myself

Makes sense

Ok never mind, I finally fished up 4 big ones by myself

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