LF Headless

Looking to trade these for headless. DM offers.
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pleaseee someone put me out of my misery with these headlessess man i just want one for vanity :sob::sob:

they look mid ngl


fun fact: headless head disables your eye color when you equip and unequip it on your vanity


Imma be real you prolly have to add nearly your entire seasonal collection to your offer to get a trade :sob:

I saw better offer in world of magic, so now it has to be higher value lol

hmm okay, if i did that how does the middleman thing work for the multiple trades? i was reading around and i think its something about sending through a moderator?

Honestly idk myself
But if youre going to do multiple trades then having the most valuable items together in 1 trade and then sending the less valuable stuff before or after the main trade is your best option

But for middleman stuff i really have no clue cuz ive only ever heard 1 person do it

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