Giving Dark Sea Essentia, 21 Golden Apples (more if I get any), Exotic scrolls I have (you choose during trading), Rear Admiral Amelia Cloak with Charged Enchant. All of these are combined… when I get an offer for an Interchange…
I hope this trade aint ass
I got one
I have one, I will take all of that
breaded is giving away 20 for free if you can figure out the meaning of his toilet paper
Unfortunately someone needed 21 apples so I gave em way for 3 armored enchants for a future build in a future warlock…
if you dont need 21 golden apples sure but I dont think so… unfortunately…
40 potions*
soooo then no
yep, unless I can afk my Cassia Bay Golden Apple Farm yeah…
unless you have 3 powerfuls for me
I knew I was gonna get something about Powerfuls… Ig not any time soon broski, your good then…
and yeah you’re not getting a trade from me then it seems
i could give an interchange for ~40 dark sea diamonds
you already get one? bc im down for this
no still waiting…
if i had any
i can prob do the trade soon, i already got the potion
ight thanks bro lemme know, imma tell you when I get back home gtg cya