Lf level one theuirgist set

We can negotiate prices or look to trade. someone tell me if I’m a dummy and this doesn’t exist, though I thought during the first dark sea patch this was possible to get.

Why level one :skull:

it’s for character leveling, if i can have the set I can use Painite Gems galore to dark sea with the character at level 20 with 2000+ health. if I was looking for a normal one I would have bought one off of the auction house.

im pretty sure this doesn’t exist

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all I know is that I had some of these and the update didn’t get rid of them, it just made them possible to level for free. maybe the got rid of them but I could of sworn I saw someone with it the other day but they didn’t respond to messages or trade… :frowning:

why cant you do that with normal theurgist…?
yknow even if you could head to dark sea, your ship wouldnt be strong enough
nor would you get remotely decent loot because your level is so low
nor would you be able to beat the atlanteans

To get treasure charts…. Also I could do musgravite swim gear for dive points which give a level per one complete

I’d assume it’s for blasted items yes?
Even then you can’t get high level items with it because you’re such low level

not for blasted

I got chest and legs. :slight_smile:

It does exist

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