(it really is, lightning but bad essentially)
it does like 10 less damage than lightning for 0.2x more speed so idk what the hell you’re talking about
Vetex did NOT let that slide
peaktex taking Ws as usual
that extra “0.2” speed costs light it’s damage, it’s clash rates, it’s synergies, hell, even it’s SIZE is worse than lightning.
so uhm, lightning in basically literally every department beats light, also lightning has more colors but that’s just an added bonus
10 less damage
almost entirely irrelevant
again, synergies really aren’t important yet and definitely wont be a big enough deal to make or break a magic
all of them suck besides yellow gg
yes they will bruh
yet still important
less is less
whoops sorry, but then again lightning is still the same size.
other way around
if you’re good at the game it wont make a difference besides killing faster
ah yes -0.2x speed for 10 extra damage very worth it
and thats a point how?
shit opinion
smh so many magics are terrible/extremely mid without synergies like ice and wood
it is still another valid reason why lightning outclasses light, another stat or area if you will, so in the context of this argument, yes, actually.
redundant extra speed.
it’s not worse.
honestly fuck it all magic colors bad for lightning i want pink
this aint it
those magics are still terrible/extremely mid with synergies, what magic you pick doesn’t matter as long as you’re decent at the game
its not a valid reason if the area it outclasses it in is absolutely fucking useless in practice
redundant extra damage.
true tho, lightning has to be the least visually appealing out of all of them
what no ice is crazy with bleed (which now that i think about it since wood causes bleeding now this could lead to some interesting stuff) and wood has arguably some of the best heat synergies in the game, yeah, skill matters but synergies in your own words literally help speed up killing.
in the context of this argument looking at stats and ignoring the meta yea it does
okay, fine, but damage is in this case still better than speed, since the speed is fast enough to be long range, but you can never have “too much” damage
honestly idfk lol it’s just like lightning isn’t really worse at light in anything besides speed.
crystal gonna be wildin’ if lightning went from just some ugly neon balls to what it is now (less ugly neon balls )
still not enough to make or break a magic, mainly just for fun honestly
makes no sense cause we’re talking about in practice, talking about useless stats is irrelevant to anything
0.2x speed still better than 10 damage
light isn’t really worse at lightning in anything besides useless areas that dont matter, if lightning is good then so is light
if we’re including useless stats then we might as well include destruction and variants (moonlight looks better than any lightning vari change my mind)
new lightning actually looks good and isn’t just magma’s far less cool ugly baby cousin
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