Light element fs

Hello there.

How do you think a light element inspired fs could work?

My idea is of a meter based fs.
The fs/imbuement makes attacks incredibly fast, but after you used it once, it depletes completely and you have to wait it fills back up to attack again.
Kinda like rifle.
Don’t know about the stats tho.

Really hope there will be a light inspired fs.

sounds a bit similar to sailorfist with the resource management, but please, post this on my topic


Just make a lightlock file you will have more fun than begging for new fstyles

this to me kinda defeats the purpose of atk spd, albeit its pretty tuf coming up with a new fstyle with interesting gimick. I just hope to see more fstyles that are as creative and cool as the current ones i would say all the current styles are pretty interesting.

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