Light lovers pull up

hey all
just here to preach about how good light is in a conjurer/warlock build
we love light :100:


Agreed I’m planning to go for light warlock myself… either iron leg or thermo fist

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fellow punch a person’s skull in w/ light magic

im going light iron leg :pray:

Fuck that shit if you can’t beat your opponents with only light and nothing else you ain’t a true light lover :100:

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:speaking_head: :speaking_head: :speaking_head:


Light/Crystal paladin in the grand navy

Screw light, go fire

No thanks :slight_smile:

fuck light, lightning all the way.

Fuck light, all my homies go earth or pure berserker

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Earth rise up!

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Light. The fastest of all elements

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and the most bitchless

going light thermo amigo

So true

Light + Thermo is gonna be super abusable

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