Light mage here, what stats should I focus on, and what controls/stats are best for magic spells

I have both carina and calvus gear, but not much after that. I also fucked up stat distribution on mage so I don’t have access to explosion shapes either, but everything else is open.

Currently I have q for (redacted), e and r for single blast and beam, f for 2nd and 3 jumps, v for speed aura, and c for single explosion as well as shift for dash. I have flintlocks on the 1st and 2nd weapon slots. I also fucked my 2nd magic choice trying to go for freeze → blind combo but (redacted) already deals with blind being really short-term so that’s fucked as well.

ice for pve, light for pvp

Funny pure power speed secondary build

chad light mage

Strong carina gi boots and accessory, strong arcsphere, and strong cernyx amulet (or strong fair power amulet if you dont care about the defence and attack speed from cernyx amulet)

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