Light or lightning

will size change how much gas appears from blasts (mostly beams)

oh yeah should i go light lightning second magic or third magic? the other will be poison

Lightning is cooler :sunglasses: :lightning_magic_var1: :lightning_magic_var2: :lightning_magic_var3: :cloud_with_lightning: :zap: :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain:

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light blasts get destroyed by poison clouds soooo

LIGHT it is. NIce and Great to have a fast option. although 2nd magic or 3rd magic lightning?

lightning :st3:

light magic is very noble and respectable. pure skill

now, if i place the poison clouds will the light go through? i really want to use light because blind them right into the clouds but if not i might have to use shadow (or lightning if i do not use that)