Can I be right about knight build diversity?

Basically, vitality will now function like any other stat due to the rework (i.e No more damage reduction from investment) However the damage reduction will now be shifted onto the imbue

Most helpful opticalcord post

Yeah, but make a separate topic and link the post from this one. This is a shitpost stop drawing real value from it

I’ve always thought of Lightning conjurers as basic twinks and femboys due to a certain correlation. My perception of anything current-vitality-related is a sign of self-harm obesity.

I prefer a twink over a fat man tbh

That’s a terrible idea. I get lifesteal, but not health, not the full damage, not a full set of options, why would I want that? Vitality is better right now, and the lifesteal should be a new build stat.

Why are you acting like you are gonna screw one of them. :sleeper:

I should be a lightning conjurer.

Vetex didn’t like how current vitality worked so now he’s reworking, plain and simple.

@Gamehero14 You gonna take this slander?

I like how it works. :frowning_with_open_mouth:

Honestly props to vetex for not being afraid to just rework something if he thinks it’s bull in its current state. It’s something not many devs have the courage to do

Get your mind out of the gutter

Yeah, I guess that’s a good thing to have. It’s what got us AO in the first place.

You are talking about how you “prefer twinks over fat men” what the fudge else are you talking about


I mean to be fair

I never said I disagree :smiling_imp:

Surprisingly nobody posted a “bait used to be believable” here.

I guess the warding spells worked. (Also it seems everyone agrees with me lmao)

This really is just a quotable farm goddamn