Limbus Company Gameplay Thread

Bro i had a abno event with this guy…
Bro dosen’t have a chill.

Somehow Cancelled his unclashable attack by staggering him…should make this fight much easier now.

Outis somehow dodged the unclashable attack :skull:.
Even more proof that she’s the best girl.


So the youtube comments were right…it does max out the selected identity…
Just to save myself from the grind, i’ll max out Meursault with it, because you supposedly get this during the anniversary event.

got 54 scabbard, maybe i should have taken that other boss…
9 more dungeons to go…
This is gonna take forever.

can I pet him :smiley:

I’ve already beaten him into a pulp though…

let me pet him :pensive:

(or them since idk if the other heads have different pronouns)

Not sure if that thing’s pettable, i literally named it an electric pitbull for a reason.

nah, I’d pet.

you only get this ticket from the anniversary pack.

though the other event gives gives you a solid 400 thread, 100k XP in tickets, and 20 extraction tickets lol.

remmeber 90% of gamblers stop gambling before they hit it big
keep going you will get what you desire one day (False incantations spouted out of the fools mind)

Bro got Meursault and his famous counter, which…oddly enough dosen’t even have any jetstream sam-related jokes.

And Faust that makes people thirsty (not in the phisological way.)

heard from a friend that you can only use it by paying real money beforehand…is that true? who knows, we still don’t have access to it, i assume.

as far as I know you can still buy the pack that its contained with in the lunacy shop, but you can’t get it any other way.

I still haven’t gotten the new Faust or Meursault after 53 pulls, so I’ll just work towards sharding them lol.

how does bro already have 53 Yi Sang ideality shards :skull:


Are you god damn serious?
My dissapointment is immesurable and my day is ruined.

RNG is an asshole, and i want this over with…
Like holy shit realistically a SWAT Team shouldn’t be able to fold a group of 5 people that are way stronger than an average human being, due to game logic.

Who the hell is this guy? A Color Fixer? Very Likely.

Considering he works for the K Corp Wing…he probably has supplies of that shit lying around everywhere, and also being a Color Fixer…

He also has augmentations…So he might have enchanced capabilities in all things arm related, wonder how this goes.

Holy Shit…this image’s peak :fire:

Finally some old man Vergillius action.
It seems Canto III’s gonna leave some great impressions on me when i’ll complete the story of it, after the grueling beatdown with K Corp SWAT Team, which are realistically immortal thanks to their HP bullet technology…
Hmmm…odd…those bullets weren’t that OP in Lobotomy Corp…maybe it was only a fraction of their complete power, perhaps?
Too many theories, little to no answers.