Limbus Company Gameplay Thread


where’s my 1300 lunacy PM



anyways in side news I randomly got Liu Gregor from a 10 pull so hurray the liu association grows

not an actually bad investment given that chain battles are the standard now so having more burn ids in general always helps

2 seconds into the first fight and I already figured out what the final boss will be :sob:

sinclair please stop rolling tails on blazing strike you’ve done it more than you’ve rolled heads

Boss spoiler:

LMAO :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
IDIOT TRIED TO FULLY HEAL HIS HP WITHOUT REMOVING STATUSES :rofl: (this is the turn after he forces a full heal with an unclashable)
AGAINST +2COINPOWERFROM6BURN ASSOCIATION:ROFL::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

why are my sinners acting like he isn’t fucking DEAD LIU TIMES OVER from burn??? or like it was some fight that didn’t get beaten hard??

don’t they know liu association specializes in single target destruction?? What’s that? Liu specializes in grouped fights?

absolute cinema

gotta say though farming this guy in mirror dungeon shouldn’t be that hard man does not hit hard at all

did barely make the 15 turn limit though, w outis got absolutely bodied lmao

I wanna know, how did the unclashable affect you? did you just fully negate all of it the next turn like I did? I wanna know how other archetypes work here

personally i was running like half charge, half whatever lvl 45 ids i had, so he got the full heal but otherwise it didnt really do much (besides leaving me with 6 turns to do 1700 hp)

the full heal usually happens regardless of what happens, I morso mean did you instantly deal back the damage he healed the next turn

nah charge doesnt really do that
i’d imagine most other status archetypes would though

also now that I think about it oh dear the blood of sancho (Gallop on, Rociante!) makes so much sense now

that idiot made the mistake of having 6 or more burn on him, very few things tend to survive even with +5 clash power against 22 rolling skill 2s

damn spoilers

holy shit I did not expect don to be a fucking bloodfiend though in hindsight bloodfiends are the only ones who have spoken in old languages in every piece of project moon media

the hotel owner:

lmao. those theories were correct.

time for an agonizing wait!

now the question: Would Pre-Contract Ryoshu Win?

When I first saw it, I immediately thought “that’s weird its speaking just like Don, what’s that supposed to mean? Is it a red herring???”

It was… NOT a red herring!!! Don isn’t JUST a bloodfiend, they’re some kind of ancestor???

they’re specifically the second kindred, which implies that they came after either nosferatu immediately, ie bitten by him, or was bitten by the first bloodfiends created, ie nosferatu bit someone that bit them

Since Bloodfiends are natural distortions (and thus cannot manifest ego) Don’s base ego might literally just her using bloodfiend blood control to create a lance and then drink the blood of her opponent via the blood-vein-lance thing (which maybe why she heals)