Limbus Company Gameplay Thread

of course it is

:broken_heart: geniunely gets to a point where people will glaze some guy you see once in a canto vs someone we’re gonna see multiple times get slandered

vergilius struggled against a thirsty first kindred he is a FRAUDDDD

Damn, 1100 lunacy for “free”

The ABS Faust fix is a bit of a bummer since the uncapped damage bonus actually made her really good (1k damage potential, literally mirror dungeon numbers). There was a RR4 clear that used her to save two turns in the first section by committing suicide twice with Wild Hunt.

on the one hand yeah it’s a bit sad but on the other, it was apparently like a slightly weaker Lament, Mourn, Despair with attack weight

farmed the entire event in 1 hard version runthrough 1 dungeon runback 1 md5h run (this applies if you have ran the shop through beforehand)

anyways back to abusing hohenheim

I finished the weekly dungeon but didnt get any currency for the blade dungeon, is it only for one event each?

rolled 20 times

shit rolls sadly

I got don quixote ID 2 (which could’ve beenn bought from shop)
Somehow got fast telepole ego
New gregor id for me!

I must wait for shop thing