List guild good

no leader board ones!!! (want to learn new guld
the sequal: List guild that no one knows but are secretly cringe

the fish has spoken

You mean good guilds that aren’t on the list yet?

Exodus for sure. They’re a group of ACTUAL good doge guild members that left after finding out what a piece of shit their leader was.

Yes that’s not mine cuz mine sucks and can likely be soloed by a good pvper. Exodus has amazingly good members doe.

The Coven or Caven idk but there are a lot of good pvpers there.

omega is cool but we are all trash at pvp :sunglasses:

that is all

Exodus for sure. They’re a group of ACTUAL good doge guild members that left after finding out what a piece of shit their leader was

i’ve heard so many different rumors but what did their leader actually do?

also i think it’d be cool if you could see guilds that aren’t on the leaderboard

He was alt farming. Somehow the guild is still up.

i heard the doge guild before that got deleted because their leader got an exploiter to dupe his sunkens but again idk how true it is

If it is true then that’s worse than what void woken did. The fact this guild isn’t banned yet truly makes this guild the biggest group of clowns

he wasn’t directly involved as he had no knowledge of this only two members actually participated in alt farming

The Cobalt League

I’d say try and join armada but I don’t know enough about the leader, the members itself from what I’ve seen are super chill tho. They are prety good at pvp tho, definitely not a loose guild if that’s what you’re looking for.

They’re good. And chill. But the thing is… They don’t respect the 1v1s.

Shit guild. A guy in the guild was secretly alt farming.

Doge’s main is still banned and he was banned for like 5 months until the mods let him play on an alt (His main is still banned).
He went triple light in AR lmfao.

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1: cobalt league is allied with templar so automatically horrid guild
2: my guil best :)))))))))))))))))))))

but really templar garbage and from what i saw cobalt is as bad or worse

ah ye that’s a good point. they do like their infamy.

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Yeah. Other than that they’re pretty chill. It’s just hiding when they’re in server I can’t handle.

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I mean I fight with them a lot. And most members I’ve fought with would never intervene in a 1v1 unless it wasn’t called a 1v1 before the 2 people start fighting. I hope they don’t do that because they’re pretty cool from what I’ve seen.

God damn it! And one of their members were so good :frcryin:

Well shit.