List of all magic(51 magic)

That was 7 months before ao released


he should have known the future and also said that Aether is also comfirmed :roll_eyes:

Also death and inferno

theres another

(Also equinox has no reason to not be added)

there is another

its too cool of a concept ig

some mutations like gravity and sun would probably come back too, either fan service or because it makes sense for us to have them anyway

If its just light and shadow why wouldn’t it be added

could be for the same reason prom isn’t getting added


Prom isn’t getting added because it was literally designed to outclass everything
How does that apply to equinox

this is pretty old but i think it still applies

I’m pretty sure that’s webcomic lore

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what’s the best sounding?

gravity savant

sun savant

sound savant

blizzard savant



  • :notes: savant
  • :sun_with_face: savant
  • :arrow_down: savant
  • :snowflake: savant

0 voters

@SpectreTheFox update your stupid encyclopedia so i can use it as evidence pls

Okay, I’ll work on it again soon, I have another project to finish that’s nearly done


the coolest savant?

the savviest of the savs?

:ocean: savant.