List of all the PEAK things to be excited for this update so far

Yeah, I’m gonna be switching from Crystal and Metal to Snow and Wind after the update

they arent added yet

only for bridges afaik and im not listing that
if the destruction physics are for everything then ill list it

Isn’t it? That’s what the physics optimization is for.

if you post me a patch note saying that all destruction was restored then i’ll put it here

This is what happens when we’re starved of Trello recents😞



saxton hale in ao :interrobang:

Imagine going in the far reaches and- HOLY SHIT IS THAT THE PURPLE MIST

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How are they ruined? /gq

water breathing gems got nerfed from infinity to actual lengths of time

Much shorter lengths at that.

Oooh right that… yeah I kinda don’t like that change since I personally enjoy having 100% jewels give you infinite waterbreathing. It’s quite cool and in general doesn’t really do much except reduce the amount of time you have to waste going back up to the surface

The way I forgot abt that

evander is garunteed as his weapon was added already, dusk and more patrimony moves arent.

Noooooooo :frcryin:

Second magics will also have their tier increased, so they will become much more useful

Useful? No.
Big? Yesssss!

Useful. Yes.

I guess they may have bigger rubble, puddles, or clouds.