Ao has a lot of bugs, yet a good chunk of them either haven’t been noticed or vetex just doesn’t give a shit. since full release is basically giving AO a new coat of paint, I thought I’d compile some particularly annoying ones that have been around for a while but haven’t been fixed with the hope of some dev seeing this and fixing them.
#1, Animations completely breaking for seemingly no reason.
This is a particularly game breaking one and I don’t really know why it has been adressed, but sometimes your animations just cease to function all together after a respawn, disabling
dodge reflexing
a whole swath of other things
I’m willing to believe its a Roblox issue but if some contributor has the time please at least find a way to make it less common, I’m tired of rejoining elysiums because the game decided to tell me to go fuck myself and took my moving priveleges.
#2, Notes not showing their text
this is pretty self explanatory, we’ve all seen it. open a note on the ground and it just says the username and nothing else. I swear to God this is more common than the notes actually working as intended.
#3, stamina always draining while underwater if you have sprint on
If you have your sprint on while underwater for some reason, even if you are standing completely still the game decides to drain your stamina. this bug pisses me the hell off because if I’m in an underwater structure I dont want to suddenly have no stamina because I forgot to press control the second I stopped wanting to move. #4, literally everything about sharks and sea monsters
self explanatory
feel free to add more because I absolutely did not cover everything here
Paladin imbue. Doesn’t work on any magic aside from sand. Spirit-weapon-imbuement does the same thing as divine-imbuement, removing the damage reduction, but the weapon affinity is not applied.
checks notes
Your boat appears at the teleport to Nimbus if you’re in Bronze.
Regardless of conditions such as: Camp set up, Bed respawn
Oh, and you get forcibly dragged there, too.
Boats randomly flying up into the air/flinging you
Marauder cloak making you walk all wiggly (try it if you don’t believe me)
Some armor chestpieces making you short
Randomly getting pulled to the bottom of the sea and dying??? It’s not invisible sharks, I mean you get pulled straight down way faster than a shark swims until you hit the sea floor, where you instantly die without having taken any damage in the process. It’s happened to me 3 times
Spawning in the sky
Falling straight through your ship into the ocean below
Ghost players
Deckhands being hittable when they first spawn in
Weapons damage not working to clear the rubble in the Yuletide Event quest
While you’re fixing things, buff the waist lantern light by like 150%, it is utterly worthless