LiterallyLoki's advice/blog thread

is that a germ


He looks like the dust sprites from spirited away hold on Totoro, Anime Manga, Anime Art, Manga Art, Hayao Miyazaki Art, Spirited ...

Like an EEEVIL version lolol

Just found out it looks like this now. This is horrible what did they do to him
what did they do to him

Freaky ppl lurk in these parts…

it’s an egg

but then I still didn’t

I did not

COULD YOU PLEASE STOP CALLING ME A THEY ik you’re not gonna respond but if you’re gonna talk about me at least do that bro

why are you getting pissed off at neutral pronouns lol

its not that deep bro relax

It’s not that deep br(o/a)*

nah man referring to someone as they is punishable by lethal injection don’t you know?

tell that to bro who got mad at me

i feel like being mad at a homophobe is justifiable

the difference is he is getting mad at you because you actively disapprove of his very existence and ignore any reason as to why thats dumb

youre getting mad because of being referred to as a neutral pronoun (which applies to all people)

yeah but I don’t, that’s not what I said

you dont like the gay agenda
you think homosexuality and all that stuff shouldnt exist

the whatywhat

this is my pal, opticalcord. THEYre not that cool.