LiterallyLoki's advice/blog thread

I do not dislike/disapprove of loki or anyone gay etc as a person, if I do not like a trait that does not mean I do not like everyone with that trait

so you dislike people being gay but you don’t dislike gay people. I feel like that’s a bit contradictory

can all of you guys like stop holy shit the arguments already ended, opticalcord is just trying to get their account terminated (this is their genuine intention)

anyhow may i request a analysis of me loki sir

Are people just incapable of starting arguments in random threads

Why don’t y’all just leave and create a brand new thread to continue your arguments so the rest of us can live in peace

Loki has already said multiple times about not wanting to continue arguing, yet it just keeps continuing, go make a new argument thread so some of us don’t have to listen

Would it be too far to start flagging any replies from somebody who can’t NOT quit arguing in this thread?

Actually, oh wise Loki of the War Seas, should I actively use flagging more often? I kind of forget it exists until somebody else says they do it. Same sort of thing for re-categorizing or re-titling stuff.

If you want a more fun and less eye-rolling annoying question, should I shove Peppermint or Lemongrass oil into my diffuser? I like the scent : )

i mean it already stopped an hour ago so no need to be flaggin

okay i need an opinion on this
do you think i have a taki addiction? ive been eating them for about 2 years and now i can imagine the taste of them in my mouth because ive eaten them so much… and i can barely go a week without eating some delectable blue takis! am i addicted?

yeah I mean I already said that

I’m not the deity of mischief, but I feel like if you can feel the taste of Takis just by imagining them, that’s a sign of addiction.

To be fair, though, that would be nice to have sometimes.

it’s my superpower

I wasn’t really defending it, I didn’t argue with anyone else but him. if you looked through some of the previous messages, I did say optie should be punished. I was trying to understand his point of view and I did, but I still wholeheartedly agree he (optie) should suffer the consequences for going OUT OF HIS WAY to say shit about queer people.

338 new messages :face_holding_back_tears:

I didn’t read through the rest of the forum queer analysis thread after I left… wtf?


There were just some unsavory people but its back to normal already :]

I wish I had an appropriate reaction image for this, just take borealis screaming at me for the 500th time because half my photo roll is ribbon eels

well not half but hyperbole

I’m tempted to go back to trying DS1 because it is a GORGEOUS game, even with it’s age.

Also that bird is real af

I was taking a nap, quit arguing.

I’m not mad. I’m more… disappointed. Because I’ve seen the good in optic, and to see them act this way? It’s disheartening.


Since I replied to a week old thing, i was like “oh, let me say my two cents, no start the argument” but NOPE

We’re not unpacking the war seas thing, I AM the War Seas. That water? it me.

But I recommend it. Flagging is something I only use if I believe a person’s refusal to grow and become better is harming their surroundings and community.

This is kinda like me and sprite zero. I know the taste like the back of my hand, and I love it, and I drink it at least once a week.

It could be a comfort food, and that’s not bad. Just remember to not OVER consume it. That’s unhealthy, no matter what it is. Don’t use it to replace meals either.

It’s one thing if they know the taste from having it so much. It’s another if they genuinely are irritated without them.

Wesree, I’d say test it by trying to go a week wtihout them. Also, takis are MESSY from what I know, you’ll probably help out your skincare :sob:

My fault, I was sleepy :sob:

Hello my child, my prodigy.

Thousandth Post you’ve got

Nerve damage? Like tremors?

tremors, general numbness, it’s worse the closer to my fingertips. I feel objectively nothing at my fingertips, resulting in a lot of rewriting and watching my hands. Hard to play a game like DS with that.