never give up on your dreams
especially your nightmares, those are fun :3 (I will make this world akin to the world of TLoU and Dark Souls.)
No one mourns the wicked, GODDAMN.
Anyways, don’t do things to kids y’all.
How do people struggle with not liking kids that way?
I actually read a paper on this hold on
So theres a theory that, as a result of trauma as a kid (around NSFW actions), one can get this mindset. If it’s intense, it can even be passed down genetically. Does that make it okay? God no. But it’s a problem of self control and will.
Also, to anyone in Darkane who saw my crash out about colonsque, my fault I got pissed
I don’t wanna know what MAP is i’m just going to assume it’s like Mapping Videos but not safe
It stands for minor attracted person, basically a pedo’s way to rebrand themselves into the LGBT
Wasn’t that paper written by frauds? I remember hearing about a scandal in relation to such a theory before…
Well, regardless, I refuse to allow pedos and creeps near me. They need to know that what they “like” is immoral and unhealthy.
Consent and being of age is important, people. That takes priority. always make sure your partner(s) are happy.
My parents assumed this about my aunt, lets just say they assumed right and we haven’t spoken to her since like 2012
yeah as a victim of things, it’s more common for it to be coped with by poetry, music, exercise. Sometimes, if you get a certain side effect where your body… craves it (being very careful), you end up gaining… interests in things so you can feel like your body is yours again.
And to all my fellow victims, I’m telling you now: Your body is not theres. You are not disgusting. You are not gross, or just meat to be used. You are a person. You are gorgeous, amazing, and you never have to change for another. You never have to use your body to be loved. Those who only see you for the pleasure you can give are not worth it.
And if you are being hurt, abused, or assaulted, please, tell someone. You are not alone. There are people who care, at least me.
It’ll get better. I promise.
Is there a way to clean out my ears without it being painful? My older sister tried cleaning mine because I noticed that one of mine felt weird a few days ago, but she couldn’t get much done because it hurt like hell. She also got my ear to bleed a bit.
Oh, and now that ear feels more uncomfortable than sandpaper.
i’ve heard hydrogen peroxide can be used
i feel like pouring hydrogen peroxide into your ears isnt the best idea, what exactly do you mean
i’m not joking, that’s actually a recommended solution, it helps soften the earwax
There should be, but if your ears are bleeding, that’s not just them being filled with earwax, filth, or anything in-between (unless your ears are dry, according to google).
Peroxide, I like steaming up my bathroom using a bit of wet paper towel. Cover your ear, and at least for me, I can pull out a good amount.
Peroxide is basically the only safe way to clean your ears
Is it ok to seperate the creation from its creator? For example, an artist makes a post saying they believe in (insert controversial topic i dont believe in here), but their art has nothing to do with said topic.