Liù art pit


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from last night, still a wip


Perhaps some texture on the ditto?

bro it ain’t done

Espeon and sableye ship is real

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I like how they’ve all got your, what I’d like to say, signature “edge” feel to them and then there’s Ditto who’s free flowing and round as fuck.

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Espeon looking like sableye stand lmao

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no fr when i was making it i was like “lol blob”

ryan is my bf’s name, this was a friend group piece lol





奸笑龍 gaan¹ siu³lung⁴ [Sneering Dragon]
Common Name: Gaansiu Dragon

Planet of Origin: Dramere

Habitat: Their large size causes them to frequently migrate, however they prefer coastal habitats that yield the most food.

Diet: Hypercarnivore/piscivore

Appearance: A hexapodal reptilomorph, it bears resemblance to many different cultures of dragon. The tail splits in two as many native vertebrates of Dramere do, ending in a tail fluke on both sides. The two pairs of limbs posterior each have a total of six digits while the anterior pair of arms have only three. Their lower jaws split to engulf large prey and the many fangs of the mouth are serrated. A pair of horns curve sharply forward and the creature bears six eyes and nostrils at the ventral portion of the maxilla. They’re predicted to average 100 feet in length when fully grown and 20 feet tall and feature a pelican-like inflatable throat pouch that serves as food storage along with a mating display when fully puffed out. To add to the display, they have frills attached to said pouches that can fold and flare at will.

Core Information: The peak definition of an apex predator, they are ravenous carnivores with a deadly acidic venom that allows them to stomach any creature (including the terrible Basilisk Tryannus) that fits in their mouths. Their teeth are serrated to slice meat, shifting their detached mandibles to maneuver and “chew” food while preventing any sort of backward movement. Unlike Litavis vertebrate, though, the Gaansiu Dragon houses separate passages for breathing and eating as to prevent choking. Although it is common for reptilomorphs to have larger females, due to their polyandrous breeding behavior (in that the female wins multiple mates), they often are much bigger and splendid than their drab male counterparts. Gaansiu Dragons are also known to battle using their sturdy horns as well as hunting with them. They have been seen diving into deep waters for food, swimming like typical sea serpents until they reach land. As they commonly encounter the Basilisk Tyrannus, they have adapted the nictitating membrane to shield all six of their eyes from their stunning affect. Often, however, this protective measure is unnecessary as like birds of prey on Litavis they will pin the creature’s head, injecting their own neurotoxic venom instead.


Ima boop it.

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mount configuration


No no. I want to boop it. not ride it.

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hey my favorite pogemans in there

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minor adjustments to the wing size

also not related, but i had a dream where there were little clovers growing from a gash in my arm and i was picking at it for a moment and then i saw and felt some worms wriggling in the wound so i plucked a bunch out until i could see the muscle and bone in the area


Well that’s a dark dream. But nice Apex predator. It would snack on whales.

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i hate scales