Liu/macobre appreciation post. that's it


i really don’t know what to say, perhaps this is a meme, because @Cryonical basically said ‘‘yes’’ to my idea of making this, so here I am, making a post about appreciation towards @liu (the person who always does checkups whenever someone asks for it, and also the person who hears you when you want to change your name, and changes it).

just post liu appreciation here, because of how they normally keep doing that, they deserve some appreciation for sure.

i have no regrets about this.

no this is not simping for someone. just an idea out of pure boredom.




@Cryonical thought it wouldn’t happen?

cool person

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:sparkling_heart: liu appreciation :sparkling_heart:

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Skill issue appreciation when

Jk jk liu appreciation

they be swag as fuck :+1:

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They are poggers

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my king

aside from yoker


Love u as always maco lol. Much appreciate.

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I simp

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3b5328e6-6b56-4731-96e1-cfd0f37588d7 5c08_45cb_c6b9_32e4

Thank you for being such a good moderator (?) that has quite a large hint of chaos, Macobre.

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@liu you’re based and I love you

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@liu thanks for always being here, for doing checkups and changing names when we ask for it.

you’re also a really nice person.

i hope you get devotee rather sooner than later, if you’re going for it.

love you :heart:

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