Decided to add some general poetry here too, making this just my Poetry/Art thread lmao
Why am I so weak?
Four words, is that all it takes?
For me to break, to crack and crumble?
“He should’ve done more”
He should’ve been kind.
Why am I so stupid?
Craving validation I know I don’t deserve
The endless loop of letting them hurt me and destroy what’s left of me.
Am I still your puppet, though you are gone?
I hope you’re happy with how you’ve left me.
Did you enjoy making me afraid to accept offers?
Afraid to say yes to a drink
Afraid to say yes to time out.
Either way, I’d wake up feeling disgusting, inhuman and like bile.
Why did you make me so weak?
Couldn’t you have been kind?
Held me, loved me like I so craved?
Or was the power too addicting?
You mad god, I praised and worshipped your existence just so you’d do the same.