[Long Read] Trello Adjustments Discussion

TLDR: I give my opinion on every adjustment vetex added to the list, and want to hear your thoughts on some of them as well

So as many of you probably know by now, the Adjustments card on the AO Trello got revamped earlier last month. Many new tasks were added, and objectives on the list were organized into either high-priority (things Vetex will most likely focus on in the near future) and low priority (things that will be worked on farther down the line).

*Note that priority doesn’t necessarily indicate if it’s more or less important, since some smaller tasks are in the high priority section while low priority has some pretty significant adjustments.

In this post I’ll basically be going through each adjustment and giving
some personal commentary on it. I know it’s been there for a decent while now, but I just kinda expected someone else to post something like this and didn’t bother. However while some people have gone over it briefly I don’t think it’s gotten as much attention as I though it warranted, so no why not give it a go myself? Trello updates have been a bit more scarce these past few days, so I need to do something to deal with my AO craving. Btw if you think I interpret something wrong or if you pick up on something I didn’t, feel free to point it out. Alright, let’s get into it

High Priority

(S) Add a confirmation when trying to open a Private Storage chest if you're neutral/positive rep

I’m sure there’ve been many positive rep players that have accidentally had their reputation go up in flames after making a single misclick while visiting a house, shop or magic council outpost. Thanks to this feature, those among us that plan on pursuing that path of righteousness won’t have to worry as much about having the Grand Navy release the bloodhounds on them if they trip over a chest. For the chaotic-aligned players, this is simply an extra click before making some easy galleons.

(M) (Note for Vetex) Give yourself 200k unique items and optimize inventory loading

Gotta love optimization. This one’s quite self-explanatory I believe; Vetex plans to push the limits of the inventory in order to make it an overall smoother experience for players, who will (hopefully) be dealing with much less than 200,000 inventory items.

(M) Add a way to add a large number of one item to the trading window (Maybe when you have over 10 of the item it has a prompt)

Finally, an efficient way to trade away your rusty cans, old boots, and nimble armour. Those of us that are invested in the War Seas economy will have an easier time arranging bulk shipments (or whatever you guys do, idk I don’t trade). Like many things on this list, a pretty convenient quality of life feature.

(M) When buying items, you should be able to input a number to buy in bulk

Another feature that makes the mundane task of repetitive clicking easier. Gone will be the days of setting up an autoclicker to buy out your local fishmonger’s 300 baits, it can now swiftly be done in one go.

(L) Option to disable Blood (Disables blood puddles, particle effects, arrows/daggers sticking in your body, body scars)

Some of you may remember the discourse when Vetex decided to lessen up on the dark, gory route that AO animations originally seemed to be taking. For those that don’t take to blood or gore well, or simply don’t like how it interferes with your character’s drip, the good news is that this will be an option you can disable in AO’s settings. For those of you that were pushing for AO to take an even more bloody route than what Vetex decided on, try splattering some red paint on your screen or something.

(L) Add new sea monsters

Have seen a few people worry about the variety of sea monsters that’ll be present in AO, but I’m sure those people will soon rest easy once we get introduced to more aquatic-themed ways to die.

(L) High-level NPCs should be able to sometimes block/parry, as well as randomly dodge when landing from a fall

Breaking: not all NPCs will have a skill issue, so you better get good before they do.

(L) Update status effect overlays to use actual particles instead of images

I like your funny words, magic man.

Not entirely sure what this means, but I’m guessing what we see currently when under a status effect is an image (take light for example; blinding is a bright image taking up your screen) and Vetex wants to replace it with particle effects instead. If you have a better idea of what this means please let us know :nod:

And that’s about it for the high priority section. As I mentioned earlier, not many of them are stuff one would consider “interesting” but they’re really nice features to have and most will enhance gameplay in subtle ways. Now, onto the low priority section which we may not get updates on in a while, but for some of these the wait seems like it will be worth it.

Low Priority

(S) (COMPLETED) Disable screenshake option

In case you don’t want your world to be rocked while on your sea trek, you’ll now have the option to remain level-headed for the most part.

(S)When opening World News, have your character look like they're reading the newspaper

Nothing beats reading about the various crimes other players (or you) committed the day before while lazing about on your ship or being engaged in a heated escape from the Grand Navy .

(S) Hotkeys for opening UIs (M for Menu, N for Inventory, B for inbox)

More quality of life controls. Although I must say, I’m usually a fan of M being the Map keybind. Maybe UI keybind customization:question:
unless :interrobang:

(S) (COMPLETED) NPC ships status indicators (? and !) should only be visible when it's your ship that they're thinking about targeting

General rule of thumb; if there’s no floating punctuation, you should be safe.

(S) (COMPLETED) NPC ships should have half as much aggro distance at night time and during foggy weather

A useful feature for getting the jump on enemy NPC ships, or trying to slink by without getting roped into naval combat.

(S) Order members with currently no obtainable clues should say that when hovered over

Some more insight into the Order; hovering over a member will indicate if there are any clues related to them that you can obtain. I worded that weird, but in conclusion I’m really looking forward to discovering more about them.

(M) Add an ambient volume slider to settings

You’re now in control of how loud you want your surroundings to be. In the mood to be one with the sounds of nature? Crank it up and listen to the birds chirping. Hate the sound of the ocean? Left end of the slider looks really appealing.

(M) Guild Colors and Rank names should be change-able in exchange for a lot of crowns

More customization coming to guilds/clans, for a price of course. If you want your legion to stand out amongst the crowd, this might be something to consider.

(M) When water parts of a structure are destroyed (such as a fountain), create a splash effect and destroy them (Currently they turn into rubble which is incorrect behaviour)

Fixing water-related structures so they do what they’re supposed to, let’s gooooo. I wonder if the splash will do anything interesting, like apply soaked to a person in the immediate vicinity?

(M) Wind knockback should be relative to the target's level

To any wind users that had hopes of cheesing a higher level attacker (or ally) off a high place or sky island, I’m afraid the odds may not be as much in your favour as you expected. Also, word of advice to lower-level players; try staying away from cliffs without a railing. You’ve already seen what happens venture too close to the edge.

(M) Ability to duel other players - both players agree to it (possibly a way to bet on it too)

Official trial by combat. Settle things like the Oddyseyers(?) you are, and sort your conflicts with your battle prowess. May the better fighter come out on top, and possibly with some of their opponent’s cash, too.

(M) Turning off all of your ship's lanterns should reduce NPC ship aggro range at night by half if not more

Another tactic for increasing your sneakiness on the seas. I wonder if this will stack with the already reduced aggro range that NPCs get at night.

(M) Add stats for using weapon skills similar to Spells Used, etc stats

Weapon users will be able to keep track of how many times they’ve done cool tricks with their stick, much like how magic users can right now

(M) Maybe add disenchanting to Alchemists in exchange for Galleons to give them an extra use

Oh, I know this’ll be a polarizing one. I’ve already heard a couple mixed reviews about enchanting scrolls and how they’ll change up the game, so coupling that with disenchanting might even magnify it to a greater effect.

(L) Daily Login Reward - A spinner UI that will appear like in Arcane Adventures, that can either land on XP, Crowns, or Random Item.

Nice, I wonder if consecutive logins will affect how good your rewards is. Also wonder what the ‘random items’ would consist of. Ship parts? That seems like the most likely option, but maybe that’s just because the ship update was so recent.

(L) Favoriting items - When clicking an item in your inventory, you can either favorite or equip it. Favoriting it will make it automatically sort above items that aren't favorited, and that item will no longer appear when selling or trading other players

Another feature that will make matters easier for players. If you hunt for items a lot or just like to hoard, your inventory will probably start piling up at some point and it can be hard to find certain items that you tend to use often. With this feature, you won’t have to worry about which boss dropp your nice suit and tie are buried under. Also might be useful for switching armour/enchant builds on the fly without needing to buy the preset builds gamepass, since your preferred items will be at/near the top.

(L) Projectiles of any kind should get swept up and away by tornados

For this, I have a few questions. How close would a tornado need to be to sweep away a projectile? It says any kind of projectiles, so I’m assuming that includes magic blasts, cannonballs, arrows, maybe gun bullets? What about projectile-like skills from melee weapons? So much curiosity, so little to speculate upon.

(L) NPCs should be affected by smoke arrows, the blinding effect from Light Magic, Sandy, Snowy, and Inked. This would make their ranged attacks less accurate

Have often heard that light’s not the best at pve, so this certainly seems like it’ll help even the playing field across magics a bit.

(L)Add whales which can be killed and drop blubber when killed using a ship harpoon, which sells for a decent amount

Even in a universe where there are individuals gifted with god-like powers, us humans are still the same, aren’t we… anyways new hustle just dropped tap in before it’s too late :money_mouth_face:

(L) Message in a bottle system which allows you to place somewhat pre-set messages around the map. (Would need to be well thought out and have spam prevention so you can't find them laying around everywhere)

Now this seems like it’ll be really fun, and I really like the idea of it. Leaving messages at sea for another player to find, entertaining your fates through a bottle. Now, before you Elden Ring players attempt to leave you “try fingers, but hole” messages, it’s important to note that Vetex mentions that it’ll be somewhat preset. I wonder what sort of messages I’ll find left behind by a past adventurer?

(L) Auroras should rarely spawn at night time

Another thing to add onto the list of “breathtaking phenomena in Arcane Odyssey”. Imagine cruising along with your crew on a silent night and seeing this lighting up the dark sky.
Northern Lights Aurora Borealis GIF - Northern Lights Aurora Borealis Beautiful Creation - Discover & Share GIFs

(L) Your crew should take damage from cannon-fire and such and be able to die, which removes the from your ship. Your co-captain could say something when this happens, and your crew would be able to heal by randomly eating fruit. This would be purely visual and you would have new crew members when your ship respawns. (Co-Captains should be able to take damage and heal as well but not die from cannon-fire, due to story/progression reasons)

I feel heartbroken when my companions or summons die in video games. Please don’t do this to me Vetex.

(L) When equipping certain one-handed weapons like normal swords, your character should visually equip their shield as well

This doesn’t really apply to me since I’m not a weapons type of guy, but it’s a cool visual touch.

(XL) Add custom vaporization effects for every magic

Now this, this will be cool to see. There’s nothing quite like making a person explode into a cloud of violent magic energy, and I’m looking forward to seeing how that looks with different types of magic.

(XL) Flaunt - An ability that doesn't need to be created and can be toggled with any magic by pressing Y. This causes your magic to get summoned on your hands, either to show it off or to interact with certain things (Fire lighting torches and such, liquid magics filling containers)

I know this one’s been long-awaited, pretty sure even from before TGR was announced. I’m really looking forward to flaunting my power and seeing the unique interactions it leads to with the environment.

(XL) Add a Completed Quests section to the quests UI

Always helps to keep track. Will also be useful for coordinating with friends if y’all want to quest together, and sometimes it’s nice to look back and see how much progress you’ve made.

(XL) List completed storyline parts and their descriptions (unsure where on the UI this could be)

Like the previous one, this will help track your story progress and may also be helpful in piecing the parts of the story together coherently.

Well, that’s all the adjustments.

I don’t expect many people to read through this but I’d appreciate your thoughts on some of these adjustments. Which ones are you the most excited for? Which ones are you not really on board with?


I like this, not anything game-changing, just a little thing that increases immersion.


explosion with flaunt gonna be like what?

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Enemy block/parry
Seems like I’m gonna be playing Deepwoken and Arcane Odyssey

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I think the adjustment will change status effects like soaked. Like instead of 2D water droplets dripping from your character they would be 3D, somehow. Same with bleed, sweat, etc.


Flaunt is something im def looking forward too especially since i want to see how it would work with magma.

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I dont want be parried by bandits i dont want be parried by bandits i dont want be parried by


Ive been parried shamefully by enough npcs in my life, i dont want to be parried by bandits


This bastard specificallt has parried me too many times
God damn headless skeletons…
I dont want to be parried by bandits


I dislike npcs being able to parry on AO
Rng deciding if the npcs gonna take less damage or not
Imagine minotaur or exiled with random auto parrys

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i just want flaunt to be added :sob:

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I’m a sucker for small but good quality of life changes so all of these adjustments are really awesome to have!

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guess he changed his mind since the inventory key is tab

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i was gonna quote more stuff in one post but i didnt really have stuff to say about the rest

that doesnt make a lot of sense anymore since npcs are immune to cannonballs now, but it sure does sound funny

have you heard of #marketplace ?

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Wait it did wth did he change it. Tab is faster to press, and most games have it as the hotkey for the inventory

I personally think it’s a good change, if you’re gonna add scrolls you might as well make the enchanting experience as smooth as possible. (also It’d be cool if you could disenchant enchantments onto empty scrolls)

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i said its tab now, half of those features in this topic were written more than a year ago
ok not half but you get the idea


How did I miss that

flaunts death magic



should jus be customizable