Looking for: 2 Headless Head


Hard Sunken Sword
Bursting Sunken Iron Armor
Powerful Sunken Iron Boots
for 1 Headless Head

Hard Sunken Iron Armor
Bursting Sunken Iron Helmet
Bursting Sunken Iron Armor
Heavy Wall of Jericho
for 1 Headless Head

Disc: Enygma#1855

here before the plutocratic rich traders tell you that it is an underpay :fr:

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Almost worth it. You’d have more chance with hard items

The first trade is overpay actually, second one is also overpay so uh lol.

yes but… why would we trade away a headless for an item that’s gonna be eventually worthless because lvl cap instead of keeping our headless and buy late-game legendaries :ez:


Should i keep my bossdrops then?


That’s the plan.

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It’s so that those people with the headless can save it and store it for later when there are legendary things.

They take the headless and store it for later

i am just getting as much boss drops as I can fr and sunkens

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